Siebert Realty Office

Monthly Archives:April 2018

12 Apr

Packing for the Perfect Beach Day

Your perfect Sandbridge Beach day is right around the corner! You have your favorite beach chair and towel ready. Books, toys, and music are packed along with some sunscreen. The anticipation of relaxing on the beach, dips in the water, and strolls in the sand are building. Before you leave, consider these extra tips, tricks and insight that help make your beach day even more perfect:

  1. Frozen snacks, like grapes, can double as ice to help keep things cold in your cooler, as can half-frozen water bottles.
  2. Pre-making sandwiches and then putting them back in the bread bag help keep the food dry and have snacks ready.
  3. Anchor your beach umbrella to make sure a breeze doesn’t blow your shade away.
  4. Turn flip flops sole facing up so the sun won’t heat them before you put them back on (or hang them from an umbrella).
  5. Pack a t-shirt and hat for skin breaks from the hottest part of the day.
  6. Remember that sun reflects off of water so wear UV protection sunglasses.
  7. Apply sunscreen at your vacation rental home prior to hitting the beach. This way sand or other variables won’t distract from full coverage. Then bring the sunscreen to the beach and reapply throughout the day.
  8. Bring a trash bag. There are public trash cans, but being able to consolidate then do one trash drop makes for a more convenient trip.
  9. Bring a bucket. This can be a central location for items to remove from pockets prior to swimming in the ocean, a place to hold seashells, or even double as a speaker if needed.
  10. Make your spot a personal landmark and check it when in the water. Ocean currents can nonchalantly move you down the beach.

No matter what you bring to the beach, you’re guaranteed to leave it with the best of memories. Come explore Sandbridge and make a new family tradition! Browse and book your rental today!

12 Apr

Packing for the Perfect Beach Day

Your perfect Sandbridge Beach day is right around the corner! You have your favorite beach chair and towel ready. Books, toys, and music are packed along with some sunscreen. The anticipation of relaxing on the beach, dips in the water, and strolls in the sand are building. Before you leave, consider these extra tips, tricks and insight that help make your beach day even more perfect:

  1. Frozen snacks, like grapes, can double as ice to help keep things cold in your cooler, as can half-frozen water bottles.
  2. Pre-making sandwiches and then putting them back in the bread bag help keep the food dry and have snacks ready.
  3. Anchor your beach umbrella to make sure a breeze doesn’t blow your shade away.
  4. Turn flip flops sole facing up so the sun won’t heat them before you put them back on (or hang them from an umbrella).
  5. Pack a t-shirt and hat for skin breaks from the hottest part of the day.
  6. Remember that sun reflects off of water so wear UV protection sunglasses.
  7. Apply sunscreen at your vacation rental home prior to hitting the beach. This way sand or other variables won’t distract from full coverage. Then bring the sunscreen to the beach and reapply throughout the day.
  8. Bring a trash bag. There are public trash cans, but being able to consolidate then do one trash drop makes for a more convenient trip.
  9. Bring a bucket. This can be a central location for items to remove from pockets prior to swimming in the ocean, a place to hold seashells, or even double as a speaker if needed.
  10. Make your spot a personal landmark and check it when in the water. Ocean currents can nonchalantly move you down the beach.

No matter what you bring to the beach, you’re guaranteed to leave it with the best of memories. Come explore Sandbridge and make a new family tradition! Browse and book your rental today!